I hear what your saying
Why don't you just leave
Why can't this just get back
To just you and me
You say i'm unsupportive
You say I'm lazy
You say i do nothing
Just then another one leaves
You've already gone
Don't have much of a choice
Just gotta stay strong
Take them to the outside
Lay them in the ground
Burying the dead
I feel the past goes with them
I'm not crying
I'm staying strong
I don't have a choice
Just gotta move on
Can't run from the past
It only follows
Trying to break habits
Know that I'm wrong
But the road is so long
I'm letting go of many things
I'm learning how to go
But I suppose to you this process is just tooooooo slow
Letting go
Far too slow
I'm still learning how to grow
I guess this is something that you don't know
You haven't really spoken
You've bottled it inside
At the last possible minute you let it all collide
What your saying hits me like bullets
My armour gone
I go down wounded
Bare and naked on the ground
You just leave without a sound
The rain begins
The stroms a raging
The sea is churning
Should I make that leap
Your words are burning
It's really deep
I lay there and die
Why should I try?
From somewhere there's a spark
From deep within the dark
It calls like lark
Leads to me the reality
Which looks pretty stark
I know that I'm wrong
But you still bark!
Wont stop being harsh
leaving me in the marsh
Driving away
Feeling a bit gay
Assuming the worst
The ring comes off
You don't even discuss it
You just unload and leave
Go without a word
Leaving me hanging
My head is still banging
It's up in the air
You seem without care
To try or not, do I dare
Is all I'll get an evil stare
Will this rocky road smooth out
Or is it time to leave
I think I feel the need to greive
But what's the point
Tears wont change the facts
Stressed out to the max
No tears fall though
It seems totally inane
Looking for another way to get a handle on the pain.
Blood wont solve it
Tears wont either
I'm just going to sit back and be a believer