stoke extinguisher

foreign tabs

powders and booze

how ludicrous

with so much to lose


a tightrope walk

on a frayed rope

a discerning

slippery slope

soviet roulette

without a net



the O.G. narcissistic

with the "me" impotency

a perilous recipe

what the fuck is wrong with me?



is for sure something i lack

a freight train without a track

only ends in tragedy

what the fuck is wrong with me?


meaningless evocative talks

racing lips and crushing rocks

fixing things that weren't broke

extinguishing everyone's stoke



then discarding all caution

i consider every risk

of the things i can't resist

is there something wrong with - 




public boudoirs


conscenting brands


permanent scars

(from thousands of bruise)

black and blue


the status quo




or bested i know





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