we did it our way

it was 1983

when Eric Melvin called

he heard that i played bass in False Alarm

he asked me if i wanted to start a punk band

i said"fuck yea!"

and we saw Code Of Honor

and since then, we've been brothers


i met Smelly

in east hollywood

he didn't know me

but liked my Black Flag skateboard

i liked his two piece tama drumhead drumset

that was a night i won't forget

the night we became NOFX


to survive we bought and sold

and did so many drugs

and made so many bad

decisions and recordings

we never had a chance

until we got...


a mexican american

a stolen phone card

a van to tour the country

playin' backyards

maybe we'd even get paid


but we know in our hearts

from that very first day

we would always do it our way


everyone would shoot us down

shoot us up

said our sound was too much like RKL

we could never sell out a garage

or basement, self effacement

is the only thing we had

that didn't really suck


to show our grattitude

this song is for all of you

don't let that shit stop

stop friendship

put all your trust


and for all the older punk bands

who proved punk will never die

and showed us how we could be DIY

there's not enough words to show our appreciation

if it wasn't for you

we couldn't have done it our way


since 1983

till this final show

we want you all to know

that we mean what we say

so stop assumin'

there's gonna be a reunion

this is the last time NOFX will ever play


don't feel bad

have the best time you've ever had

so give three cheers

and one hip hip hooray!


if it wasn't for all of you

we couldn't

have done it our way



Author's Notes/Comments: 

goodbye and goodnight NOFX

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