The Beast Within


I have lived a thousand lives and I have died a thousand deaths
Yet the calling carries me on.....

The path lies ahead of me yet I hesitate, daring to take the first step
For where will I go? who have I been?

A numbing veil of darkness slowly settles across the boundaries of my soul
Leaving me to yearn for that which is past...

I follow that worn and trodden path of my serenities - searching and calling
To that which beckons me onward...

I find myself standing before a malignant door, my fear escapes before me
I cannot go back, yet I cannot continue...

No one can see the beast that I have got - I cannot set it free
For then, what would become of me?

Times change, as do I, like seasons on the ethereal planes
Yet consistency still resides within me

Why is there fear?
Why is there sorrow?

No one can save me from the beast that I have got for
It lies hidden beyond the walls of subtlety...

I search in the mists, ever striding, yet never finding
Ever beginning yet never ending.....

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