Open Up to Me

What is it that you're thinking?

The question of the day

I don't want to hurt you

But there's something I must say

I never know your feelings

Because you never let me in

Never tell your point of view

As if speaking were a sin

I so much want to love you

But you never open up

someday I'll get tired

Of you being so closed up

Tell me what your thinking

Every detail of your day

Let me hear your feelings

What do you have to say?

You say that you are stupid

And have no point of view

But if that is the way it is

Should I look for something new

If you're never gonna let me in

Or tell me how you feel

We can never have the type of love

That I consider real

If I don't know how you're feeling

And I don't know where you stand

I can never really mean it

When I hold your hand

When I say I love you

It would never be for real

Cause I could never love someone

That could never feel

And when you say I love you

How will I know It's true?

I need feelings to be spoken

Not just shown in what you do

I want to hear the words

That come from your own mind

When you say I love you

I want you to make it bind

I want to know the real you

Not just what others see

I know it's hard to open up

But open up to me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know you're working on it and I want you to know that I appreciate it

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