my love

i love you

more then anything can compare

more then the beauty of a rose

the sweetness of sugar

or the taste of candy

your perfect in all ways

passed the perfection

of any diamond, ruby or perl

your love flows further

then any river or stream

it runs deeper

then any ocean or lake

my love for you

is stronger then any chain or lock

it can never be broken

you take me away

to places ive never seen till now

to places of happieness, freedom and security

you break my walls

you break the chains

that bound me to the past

you catch me as i start to fall

you make me smile with just your eyes

my love for you can never me challenged

or compared

no one can ever steal you away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is also to my Boyfriend!!! i love you baby!!!
<3<3Gian-Luca Casella<3<3

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