oh, I see...

My Travelling love

I hate to start things with "I get it now"

But since my ignorance has bloomed

to understand the stupid that is you

I think that I get it now.

Forcibly I set u up high

Unwittingly praising your shadow

Idiosyncratic sensibilities

that makes my love turn to panic

I cannot rhyme

I cannot sing

I dare not wish for better things

because i will wish alone

as i now dream alone.

my foolish desires make me retch

that constant fire is now quenched

a thirst i no longer have for you

this is what u made me do.

I feel so much in this moment

about a nothing that isn't at all

you've drained my smiles

you've made me cry

by being so damn... cold.

I probably expect too much from you

and you expect less of me

and that is what you'll get my love

my once love

my only nothing that drifts away.

a void of anger instilled in place

to chide the stranger of yor face

the waiting call of lovers speech

is now completely out of reach

i mirror a past of broken hearts

founded on sand like banks of easy tarts

that let canadians in their bed at night

till like a bat they flee the light

I'm stupid

you suck

and I'm no longer yours to fuck.

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