You are my everything, and you seem
at one moment like a sweet, sweet dream
and the next like a waking nightmare.
You are beautiful, but, i admit,
you are nowhere approaching perfect;
anything perfect's not really there.
It is a love and a hate that keeps me here,
even when what you do makes me shed a tear.
You go through phases, always changing,
moods fickle, always rearranging
what you've got - add this, throw away that.
Still, you can be kind; you can be sweet;
you like giving to most that you meet -
you would not leave everybody flat.
i know you can be good or bad, sad, happy -
different people look and different things they see.
You are my everything, and i know
when i leave you, i won't want to go -
won't want to cry or even be there.