She Will Ever Flow

Strong and bright they shined down where they would always last;

The rays of the living hope that helped the trees grow fast.

With it caused the sparkling of the snow where the winter's sun did breathe,

And in the summer when the trees were grown, the light shined through the leaves.

The light that made the flowers rise and bloom when summer came;

That poured out on the open field where we all grew again.

A heart of a child with smile warm like the sun that made us grow;

Inside we were purified and from her words this is what we know.

Her life made the pathway with her laughter, joy and glow;

In which she gathered us on the way, and told us where to go.

Back then when I was younger, this person was a pulse of light that shined,

Penetrated through the darkness and created wonders in my mind.

This blade of light that caught my eye made me curious to see,

All that this light had planned for; all that it would teach me.

Through every grieve and heartache, came a calm collected call

By one who cared enough to touch our lives and pick us up when we fall.

The whisper of this heavenly light made it sure enough in my mind,

That this light that came unnoticed, was all I needed to find.

How could I know this person would touch this life of mine?

She walked this earth above the ground, bringing joy to all of us;

Her smile was as wide as many skies and a light that we could trust.

Then the people heard the sound, of the time this angel was to fly;

She flashed away into the sunset, and up into the sky.

I'll never forget that light when it came into my life;

The way it shined on my face and how it settled my heart just right.

I waited too long concealing my curiosity so the color faded into the night;

It was swallowed inside that dark gloomy day, all away from my sight,

But I'll always remember that light is the master of making things grow.

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