The Battle

I can't see where I'm going,

and you don't know where I've been.

I can't go on without knowing

why my life is out of control again. 


I give my life to You. 

Can't You just give me a little help?


I lean into Your word 

to get me through right now. 

Please tell me when it's my turn. 

I'm sure I'll screw it up somehow...


I gave my life to You

Can't You help me fix my stupid self?


This battle is hard, but I won't give up.

I can't stand to hurt the people I love. 

Give me a hand, oh Lord. 

I can't do this on my own anymore.


If you're seeing this now,

find forgiveness in your heart somehow.

I don't know how to read your mind, 

but I'll try my hardest to make it right. 


I'd give my life for you.

Please don't give up on me now. 


This battle is hard, but I won't give up.

I can't stand to hurt the people I love. 

Give me a hand, oh Lord. 

I can't do this on my own anymore.


Author's Notes/Comments: 


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