All of Time

Sitting here scrolling through Facebook.

I don't want a fake look.

I just want the chance to show you who I am.

I am a man who will give everything that I can.


Getting ready to go do the work thing.

You're all that's on my brain.

I just want to show you that I'll never

be less than a man who wants to hold you forever...


Because your love feels like Jesus.

It makes me want to be alive.

There goes forever in front of my eyes,

but I'm just a man. That ain't no lie.

Wish I could hold you in my arms for all of time.


Sitting here getting out of my head now.

Just trying to figure out

how to get you to see it.

The way you gave me a spiritual face-lift.


Because your love feels like Jesus.

It makes me want to be alive. For all of time.

There goes forever right in front of my eyes,

but I'm just a man. That ain't no lie.

Wish I could hold you in my arms for all of time.


I'm here for the long haul.

It's nobody's fault. 

So much damage from our pasts undone.


I don't know what to say

Except that today

my love is like the love of the Son!


Because your love feels like Jesus.

It makes me want to be alive. Living it right!

There goes forever right in front of my eyes,

but I'm just a man, and that ain't no lie.

I wish I could hold you in my arms for all of time.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There is no love like the love of the Son. I hope I can follow His example. I'm trying.

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