I'm sitting here...
In my head.
Nothing's clear.
Not a thing you've said.
It's just the beginning.
Yes i know that now,
But in me there's a reckoning.
I've got to win this somehow!!
The battle is on in my head,
and I'm falling right now.
I want to be there like i said,
but my heart is spilling out.
I'll fight my way to the end,
but i wish the battle would end right now.
I've got to find a way to win this somehow.
The darkness is growing inside,
but I'm not the one who gives up that way.
Sometimes my soul turns black as night,
but not this time...not this day.
My life is spilling out as I see the light.
Does it even matter what i say?
I've got to win this fight!
Let this fight go away!
Let this be our final battle!
I'm never giving up on you!
My soul may be tired and dragging,
but the light will come to me soon!
This battle itself is maddening,
but I won't give up on you!
One chance may be all you have for me,
but one chance is all I need to get through!