Just Putting It Out There...............VOL 3


Being back on the dating scene has been an experience for me. In a recent conversation a brotha asked me why I’m still single/not attached to anyone. So I gave him some insight on some of my recent experiences. These are stories of guys that have either approached me, I’ve exchanged phone numbers & conversed with, or actually gone out with recently:

1. I began dating a guy in June of last year. When I met him, he appeared to be a real nice guy; though he was a bit smothering (warning sign #1). I was newly separated when we met (about 7 months) so I made it clear that I was not looking for a serious relationship; I just wanted someone to talk to & go out with when my daughter was spending time with her dad. Shortly after we began dating he opened up about him not having any trust in women (warning sign #2). He was mother was emotionally & physically abusive & he married a woman that cheated on him so he had reasons to feel the way he felt (to a degree). However, he damn near drove me crazy with his insecurities. Any time he called & I missed the call, there was an issue. Any time I dropped off or picked up my daughter from her dad’s, there was an issue. What drove me to the brink was when he insisted that I must be sleeping around or else he wouldn’t have to call before he came to my house. I explained to him not only was he not my man so if I was sleeping around it was my business, I also explained that he did not live there or pay any bills there; not to mention my mom calls before she comes by. Needless to say, that was the end of that.

2. I met a 35 year old (driving a very nice BMW & living in his aunt’s basement) that introduced himself to me as “Casino”. I asked him if that was his real name. He said no but he was about money. I was like cool, so I’m gonna make up a name to give to you. He couldn’t understand why I said that. So I explained that I don’t see the sense in giving someone my real name if they’re giving me a fake one. I asked him how am I supposed to feel comfortable going somewhere you or inviting you to my home if I don’t know your real name. Maybe I’ll just start calling myself Hot Chocolate

3. I met a guy at the gas station. He introduced himself to me; asked a few questions about me & we exchanged numbers. As I was about to drive off he leaned out of his car to tell me that I an store him in my phone under the name Cherokee. Now, he’d introduced himself to me as Aaron when the conversation started. So I asked if Cherokee was a nickname & he said yes, that’s what most of his friends call him. I drove away & never used the number. Is it just me or is Cherokee a little feminine of a name for a grown man to be calling himself?

4. There have been countless 20 something year olds that think all I need is someone to whisper sweet nothings in my ear & promise to make me cum more than anyone ever has in my life, or to put in their terms “beat ya back out”.

Is this all that’s out there? Am I not dressing/caring myself the right way? OR am I never at the right place at the right time?

Now I checked myself thoroughly & I didn’t see any signs taped to my back. Is there such a thing as Man Glow paint, some kind of paint that is only visible to men? Perhaps someone used some to write across my forehead “Desperate”, or “What the Hell, Try Me” or “Lonely Lady Walking”.

Let me just say this: I DO NOT APPROACH MEN. So it’s not like I’m just walking around picking out the wrong guys; these are just some of the guys that have approached me in the past year.

What are your thoughts?

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