Decieved by the angel of death
you fall right into his trap;
many names, many disguises,
changing his colors often,
like a chameleon, the beast
hides where you least expect,
Thinking him to be god,
you worship him blindly as the father,
when he is really nothing but a murderer,
Led right into his slaughter house,
he delights in the shedding of blood
and the squealing of pigs,
truly sick, warping the minds of those
who are lost.
In him you will not truth.
but only lies,
because he is the father of all lies.
He will not give
but only take;
the king of all thieves,
there is no end to his greed.
Thinking yourself in control,
when you are nothing but his puppet
further digging into the occult,
you will always find him.
at the top of every pyramid,
climbing the steps, thinking it is
a stairway to heaven when really
it is descension into hell,
you always find him staring down at you
from the tempests above,
heaving his lightning bolts
and cursing your existence