Pure 100% Hatred

There is a reason why I hate

you people with the utmost passion

and will never stop doing so


Your instinct is to judge before you have

all the facts, your instinct is to run

instead of dealing with the issue at hand


Cowards is all you are,

and all you will ever be,


If its not your problem you do not care,

you just want to stay in your safe place

in your bubble of illusion. 


keep drinking your fucking koolaid,

you confirmation bias pieces of shit


Keep judging, keeping ignoring,

I don't give a fuck 


I hate every single one of you indiscriminately,

it doesn't matter what your race is,

what your sex is, how old you are,

your all just pathetic humans.


You all want the same things,

to not be troubled, 

to be able to live your life under a rock


You perptuate the issues by ignoring


you instigate shit,

by judging








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