Fake Liberalism: Fiberalism


Neo-progressivism as a movement,

has no regard for the integrity of the

freedom of speech


All arguments are controlled through

a politically correct" made up" narrative,

criticism is misrepresented as hate.


Facts are replaced with opinion,

myths and disinformation spread

through the collective unconscious

like cancer


Ultimately the goal is to control minds

and to silence any opposition through

the control and fabrication of language


They rely on ad hominem attacks against

the individual, scapegoating those who speak

out against their tyranny, labeling them to get

them to go away: "bigot", "racist', "far right"


repetition is important in order to make their opinion

fact, repeat the same ideology over and over again,

through protest, repeition that is how brainwashing is done.


There is no liberty, there is only control,

neo progressives are slaves to their points of view,


Those who only care about making life better for the minority

at the expense of the majority, make life more difficult then it already it is,

create rules, which are an unfair bureaucratic nightmare.


Let us all have a fair, balanced society, where everyone can say what they what to say

without the fear being of defamed.


 As long as there  is the illusion of democracy,

the liberal facist order will have legitimacy

over the masses 


But we wont take easily to the force feeding,

we can band together and stand up against

the tyranny.






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