An imperfect Reflection

There is no truth to seek,

it is a circle, an empty one at that,

round and round, spinning your wheels,

hoping things will be different but the outcome

is always the same,


But it is only you who have youself to blame,

but how do you stop being you? how do you

correct the course that has been left on auto pilot,

how do you see past the simple cravings and pleasures,

the pain and the anxiety, the wanting to just pause the 

remote and think about what has occured? 


Being human is not being in control,

simple logic does not override such  a strong desire

to have sex as much as possible,

simple logic does not override the desire to consume copious amounts

of sugar in single sittings,


Instinct will always triumph rational thought,

desire will always triumph self control


"Sin" they call it in the bible,

and we suffer due to our efforts

to avoid suffering


Pleasure causes more pain,

pain causes more pleasure


There is no difference,

two sides of the same coin,


Ensnared in this dichotomy like

many others, opposites, which rule

every aspect of our lives: night and day,

work and play, etc,


This causaullty connects the two inverses,

change directs the unfolding of human experience,

which is why things always seem so chaotic, because things

never have a chance to simply be, 


Existence is transition not an actual being,

there is no being in existence,

because to actually be would be to not be at all,

because by not existing you would be existing

as nothing, which is actually everything


Thus, it is harder to exist then it is to be,

because existing takes focus in order to manage

the constant shifting of ingredients, whereas being

is simply being dead. 


Things that are, are not, because they will always be something else later,

the moment gives way to the moment, thus it is hard to figure out

what moment is important, because all the moments blend together,

time seamlessly passes, just like blinking, the seconds fall like feathers.


When answering who do you want to be?

it is impossible to answer, because the person you are now is the person that never actually is, 

thus, you cannot be something while you are still trying to become


Chasing the shadow of the ideal,

aspire to touch the contradiction,

the half life of that unstable isotope,

like it can only degrade into something

worse, the shadow gets farther and farther

away, the sun dims, the light fades, 


There is a tendency for things to end

when they begin again, because the end is the beginning,

the beginning is the end, constant shapeshifting, wave riding,

never actually any real form or permanency, these things only

are in thought where we can write them down as real infinite,

unchanging things.


Without change or time, there would be too much density,

it would be unsustainable, the whole universe would collapse under

its own weight


 Only through division is everything preserved,

only through death can there be life,

but the downfall  of all of this is that the meaning, the being is never

actually found in material existence.


Energy itself is just energy,

it has no purpose other than do fufill its function,


 Thus, if there is being beyond death,

it would not be bound to rules of the universe


They call it spirit,

but it is often mispercieved as energy,

it would be rather the inverse,

something that can fill the circle with content,

the egg given its yolk, a core, a will that directs

the hearts of those who seek to know what is not

knowable in language,

to actually be beyond death, the ideal made real.


But how can we confirm, what cannot be confirmed?

how do we pull back the veil to what is not?

how do we realize ourselves as essence?

how do we find our souls when we feel dead?


 Reality and being are not the same thing,

something can exist in reality, because reality is existence,

a reflection of reflections, mirrors of mirrors of mirrors,

of copies of copies of copies, but the original copy or being

is not found in reality,


Thus, reality is more or less an imperfect copy,

an incomplete idea or sentence that is why

you cannot find satisfaction or happiness/ love in it,

because material does not allow the idea to become it,

the material gets recycled and the idea lives on. 


The Spirts lives on, the spirt is always.

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