Evil Live

Evil is an entropy,

a darkness unknown,

something you wish to place a label

on because you fear what might

happen if you get to close;

knowledge that you can't 

 quite measure so you put it under

an umbrella in order to avoid its acid rain.


Evil was invented,

just like many other things,

evil was imagined to give man a purpose,

something he could place blame on for his troubles


Black and white thinking helps man to keep his conscience

clear because he can always push the blame on to something else

instead of observing the evil within himself,

it is easier to look at the absolute ends of the spectrum,

rather than looking at the things he does which can have lasting effects on others,


Perhaps we are all evil,

because we don't know how we effect others,

in our own eyes we are good,

but we live for ourselves, 

thus we do evil by doing what comes most naturally

trying to survive,

thus evil is good, because it helps us to survive,

but at the consequence of others we can make hard decisions,

which can cause us to be held in different opinions.


Evil is necessary,

because without evil we can allow other people to 

put their evil on to us (screw us over)

thus we become the victim,

of evil,

and it allows us to see ourselves as good,

when really our evil lost,

and someone elses won,


Evil is merely human,

the survival instinct,

throwing someone under the bus,

so we can be unbothered and untroubled,


Betrayal is so natural,

because humans are evil,

because they see others as evil,

they do not see the thorn in their own eyes,


Evil will always exist,

because it will always exist in the minds of men,

who do not see how their egoism has contributed

to a world, which suffers, because of their moral



Good and evil are both evil,

they are one in the same

morality enables the ego

to think it is doing good

when really it is doing evil


Even if something considered is considered good in the present

it can still have unseen harmful, "evil" effects

for the future,


Trying to help someone may only hurt

them in the long run,

thus good and evil are really the same,

because you don't know how your actions

will ultimately effect the future of others.


It is impossible to determine what is good and what is evil

in the present moment, only in hindsight through history

are judgements allowed to be made about the nature of ones


and these judgements, also, have no validity, because the individuals who formed these opinions

did not live under the circumstances, which led to those judged actions and also did not

see things through the point of view of the individual who they judge.


Morality is evil within in  itself;

conscience is a lie,

reality is more than just the self,

but humans cannot see things past themselves,

thus they only see themselves as real first and foremost.


Life is evil

and evil is life

because without it you cannot live

without making  hard decisions it is hard

to have a good quality of life,

without breaking some eggs,

you cannot make an omelete,


This is a world of winners and losers.

The winners live for themselves because

they realize no one else will


This realization that being alone is what makes reality,

and that because humans only care about themselves

first and foremost that it comes as no consequence

that competing and fighting with others is necessary in order to feel real,

in order to feel satisfied with what one has accomplished.



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