Stop Hating on The White Male

Its alright to be white,

Its alright to be male,

whatever you are,

accept it and don't feel

guilty about it,


They want to undermine you as a man,

ignore them for they are undermining their

own mental health.


White men are tired of being called racist and sexist

without evidence, are tired of being persecuted

by the liberal media,

which, demonstrates systematic hyprocrisy and double standards,


Racism can apply to any race,

and I see hate towards me on a daily bases,


I choose to ignore the hate and rise above it,

but the media has forced my hand to stand up for the white male.


By assuming I'm racist and sexist because I have views that are not liberal

by definition you are discriminating against me, 


If we want equality and fairness as a nation,

liberal double standards towards white males have to go,


We are all equal in the eyes of god,

stop treating me like I'm your enemy,

treat me like a human being.




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