Please don’t send me off to war
I don’t want to be in this war
Have you seen my grades lately?
I have a lot on my mind as of lately
My girlfriend and I wanted to get married
I kind of like the thought of getting married
I just want to be by her side
Just to lay here with her at my side
Can't I just settle down and have some kids
All I ever wanted was grow old and have kids
Why are we going to war with them?
I don’t even know them
Let alone want to fight someone because they believe different
Isn't that what makes us great that we are all different
Do we really have to fight?
I don’t want to fight
If you want to go to war so badly go yourself
If I go I might as well as bury myself
Is anyone going to remember us if we die?
Most important how many people are gonna cry
Did anyone think bout our families?
How did I get caught in these twisted realities