what you do to me...

i lay awake at night and long to have you with me... i long to feel the warmth of your arms around me, i long to hear the sound of your heart- to lure me back to sleep, i long to taste your lips with mine- and watching the sparks fly, i long to hear you whisper that you love me-and for you to hold me tighter.
i sit in awe everyday, for you are on my mind... im in awe at your charm, in awe at how open you are about your feelings for me, in awe that you chose me- over all the girls you had on you, in awe that youre able to contain me-saving the flame for yourself, in awe at the reasons as to why you love me.
i get looks from people, because ill just start to smile...i smile at the thought of your smile, at the thought of getting to see you again, at the thought that im yours, at the thought of us kissing, at the thought of our future together, at the mere mention of your name-or the letter A. i smile.
you do these things ^ to me, and it's incredible. i never thought it was possible, but i love you. i swear it i do & i want to be with you every moment. i want to be smiling all the time-with you, i want to be in your arms-in paradise, promise me that you'll never go...please?

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