have you ever...

have you ever sat just to sit?
walk to get away for a bit?
kissed just to feel the spark,
or listened to hear a dog bark?

have you ever sang just to sing?
run to blow off some steam?
stuck your tongue out to see how far
it would go, before it
touched your nose?

have you ever woken with a start...
then roused back to sleep by the sound
of your lover's heart?

have you ever talked just to talk?
or spun around to see how keen,
those "senses" of yours
could've really been?

have you ever yelled just to yell?
jumped to see how high you can go?
twiddled your thumbs just for fun?

have you ever laughed just to laugh?
smiled to make someone smile,
cry when being cried upon.
or snapped like a whip?

have you ever just been alive?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

comment if you have done these things (: , or if you went out and tried them <3

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