where are you in all of this

when the world whispers its hatred in your ear in only that moment can you decide if the soul inside you is of the enlightend devinity of imortal stature and press on forth the utterance of hates stare and demise of doom.

the steps become heavy and the weight of good nature runs thick as tar thru your veins beocming the final tug at your natures decision.

the choice then  becomes irrelovent after time as its only begun to harden the stone of your heart as we all around see the destruction by our own hands .. our own hands.

to the starving illiterate. which by some course we as  one have begun our own demise into this hole. and as hatred (and fears of the unknown)reins in the moons loom as only a cast in to the skies to say 'we are only human' which makes it ok to be the source. the confusion. and the absolute hatred we all have despised abhorently.

where is this change we preach. we offer in the retrospect of time and course of humanitys ways and devide the moments into the choices we as humans must and knowingly make to survive and evolve.

as the race began so shall it end be choices of our own dim sight or the universes revenge of the scar we have made upon its nature.we shall finally die. let it not be today or tomorrow or the future forseen in humanitys fate.

we have this to choose

by our own hand

to survive or die.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

My Doctorate acceptance speach at Oxford.

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