ترجمة بحث في الضعف الإملائي . أسبابه ــ علاجه


ترجمة أسباب الضعف الأملائي لأبن خاطر باللغة الانج)))]|||[(((


B]Subject[/B]: The Reason of

Dictation Weakness

The Writer: Iben Khater

This treatise I presented for the responsible in my work field perhaps to add some useful for my sweetheart here in Shamkh.

The dictation weakness problem for much student be very dangerous problem in teaching and education field, rather that this problem aggravated to the college student which not do the Arabic writing in fit form, this problem is increasing not only for the student, but also reach the government employed rather until who in notable job – with sorry – it should be very necessary for every Arabic person jealous in his language have to wade into distress this thorny problem, perhaps find the suitability solution even if fail , it’s will be the honor to next attempt and hard work for find solution or presentation god job befit to Arabian.

From this stating point, I start to begin to think for writing a treatise about this great problem to find solution as what we see in all fields and which we life with every day, and I will take this treatise through the followings items:

First: The reason of The Dictation Weakness Problem

Second: Definition the Problem (The Missing Dictation Skill

Third: Presentation suitable Solution

Fourth: The end

Five: The Reference

It is indisputable if we want to find solution for this problem from several problems we have to know first the reason why for this problem, so we can confer upon guidance and knowledge


The reason of The Dictation Weakness Problem

We see from the reason of this problems epitomized as follows:


Reason belongs to the student himself


The Optic Weakness

The Optic Weakness Problem perform to incompetence in seeing the alphabetic and words specially in foundational stage which building the basis at the student, so this problem happen to the student in dictation because of incompetence knowledge about the correct way of writing since the first start which continue with increasing with the student.


The Hearing Weakness

Hearing weakness execute to incompetence knowledge to distinction between the alphabetic and the words section, here happen the problem because doing the writing in the first step before hearing and vision.


The Mental Weakness

The Mental Weakness perform to delay the student from his companions in all education’s fields some of this the dictation, so become slowly in learning and forgotten quickly like salty earth which not staying at plant.


General Weakness

The General Weakness performs to health weakness which follows to non-concentration for long time in the study seat and to inclination to laziness, not perseverance and general sluggishness.


The student inclination to resting, mildness, playing, and mutiny on the systems or any tying order which limit his freedom or disagree with his mode which he brought up in his home.


The absence, the escaping from the study seat

In absence from the study seats very dangerous reason which result non-limitation problems, and one of these problems is weakness in dictation.


Lost the motive for learning

Lost the motive for learning, here the point, this like chronic disease intensify between big numbers of student – this is result of several interlaced reasons – which perform to weakness in collection, from this belong the dictation weakness rather that for many problems in teaching and studying field.


Reasons Belongs To The Student Family


Unconscious of the family for the most important of the education in student life, family and society perhaps due to ignorant or the trend of the family for something very far from the learning.


Separation of the family – divorce-, the most dangerous problem, which performs to lost the children's, and most of them failure in studies which reverse to weakness in dictation.


The father’s absence all the day from his home being busy or occupied to see the family requirements; which perform to lost the control on the house, unless if the mother is weakness personality and did not see the future of the children with some wisdom and courtesy.


Absence the important part of the mother’s in teaching the children the right teaching, because she’s busy in marketing or some things else keeping here very far away to take care and attention very well for the children, and to standing in the study news.


The Mother dependence on the baby-sitter or the housemaid to take care the children and to look for the house requirements that lost the children of the most things in there babyhood which it’s the belongings love of mother, home and all this sweats estimable; and immersed in indifference, corruption, far from the straight morale starting from the baby-sitter herself, with this lost the younger from all life sides not only the studying, but including the dictation.


Unlearnedness mother perform for the incognizance for the correct property for the growth stage of the child, and who to deal with them in the different years; this lose the first basic principles in the children upbringing in correct view.


Investing the student especially in the school and asking about his situation with encouragement with continue the studding and superiority, so with this absence very important reason to success the education operation that is the home and the school tows face for one currency, as the aphorism says: (One Hand can't slap), and the absence of the correlation perform to weakness of the student even failure in some times, with this become very weak in dictation.




Reasons Belongs To The Teacher


Some Teachers they don't have the qualification; the reason why of performed instructional hindering for the student, specially in the first education years (Foundational Stage), these considering that not belongs to the education and learning staff; because they destroy the flower of education and cause to handicap, and instructional deformity for much of student, and some of this the writing and dictation


Some Teachers they did not belief with education and teaching vocation, and the honor of this sacred profession, and taking this job for profiting the money only, which perform to weak the student in several instructional sides, and some of this sides the dictation


Non respect for the student interesting and requirements in the instructional operation which perform to encounter the teacher with the student and not realization the objective which hoped for, because of this frustrate the teacher and the student, and weak the student in several sides in studying, from some of this weakness the dictation


Appearance category of hypocrite, opportunist, patronage disease, the racism, the favoritism and paralyzation in the sacred teaching field – with very sorry - everything became muddled, and tumble the basic element, and effaced the noble value from the more important features sacred teaching system, with this tumult lost the way under all foots, and appear the weakness, and extinguished the brilliance shine of superiority to replace it with weakness, stupidity and failure in all the teaching fields for much student, from this fields the dictation.


Some teachers afraid of visiting the guidance and the directors, which make the teacher work very hard to satisfaction them, although lost the more important thing in the instructional operation which is the Teachers Creation and Invention; not only non credibility for some of them, but also neglect the student between all these disturbance, and weakness his level in all the instructional sides, from this disturbance the dictation.


Non studied scientific planning for treatment all sides of the dictation weakness for the student, rather to privation presentation the correct treatment in the suitable time with the suitable dose which agree with his ability


Nonexistence for the some to delimitation the missing skills dictation at the student, and lost the patience, perseverance to have solution for the student problem, and the reason why increasing the aggravation of the problem is because they haven’t cordiality and intimacy bridge between the teacher and the student


Reasons Belongs to the Philosophy of the State in the Instructional System


State view for the teaching system differ with difference of time and place, even so with difference of the responsible and there personality, the objective from this is to work for graduation great number of student for closure the country needs from the incoming employment, this view; hidden in the quantity not in the manner, so we find that the mechanical movement from class to another without consideration into the quality of the student and his abilities, and the range of what he obtains from information and skills


Indeed; the explosion problem of the epistemic and the successive events in this century make kind of intellectual anarchy in the method and skills

Not only un humoring or following but also to approach from it, because of this the method become in a side and the international arena in side, and the teachers in the third side; and the dangerous education gap witch happen arise from it many of the instructional problems


Not only the increasing gap has made the responsible far from any development and changes in the teaching and education field.

But also the teacher become like the machine or just employed who requesting from him to executed what dictate without demonstration his opinion; which kill in his soul the creation, invention, and enthusiasm for this sacred profession


Unless not care about the filtration of the student in the Foundation stage, and keeping in the mental weakness groups; after several years we face the failure, the infiltration, the absence, and the numerous problems like the aggressiveness and thieves. The example of this is very great danger in the instructional tour, even so at the other brother from student, and it’s necessary if separate between them, like to add them in special schools which qualify them rather with what agree with abilities and favorite


Importation the educational science from the western, and omission what present by our Moslem scientist in education, to judge at our thinking in execution, and breakdown any field for creation or think, so we become dependent on others even in the exact life filed which is the teaching field.

This have the great effect on the talented teachers and there educational view


Presentation the same method for the student wherever he was in the city or in the desert or in the coast without attention for the student requirements or interest with the environment and instructional requisite.

So this not satisfy the instructional system in the state, because the state has desire looking forward the student, so the method become reason of weakness, and in the end of collection is weakness of the student in dictation


Reasons Belongs To Dictation Material


Writing and reading is very important element basis in the teaching operation specially in the first stage, and the reflecting in division the Arabic language degree face the strange, did rationally in the dictation the degree is 10° only in the primary stage, and 7° in the preparatory stage??? That’s mean the degree in the Arabic Language College is 100° - so this need to look again in degree division, because this division from the main reasons for weakness the student dictation material even so in all the materials.


Presentation more of dictation skills in one paragraph dictate at the student make kind of difficult and dislike it from the fist step, the student need to listen the praise and encouragement words for all what he get it from expertness and smartness.

When present many from this skills in one paragraph we missed the continuance of the student – enthusiastic and desirous- for collection and progress.


The difficult of the meaning in the dictation paragraph hard for the student to understand it and non-satisfaction the needed and interest performed to apathy, weariness, and un enthusiasm.

Even so the dictation lesson lost the objective which we hope from, although the student lost the dictation skills little by little.


Reliance the present educational system on dictation and the examples for this very simple, omission of optional dictation which sleek the students skills in this side.

After this the student take the paragraph voluntarily every week or every 2 weeks which find kind of positive competition, to take the grammar of dictation with the simple training which not qualify the student to be in the request level in dictation


Reasons Belongs to Absence of the Information Media


Non publishes the consciousness between the parent in the optimum way with farthest the education operation. Thereby the education lost very important element from the successful elements, then definitely participation the information media by conversation, discussion and demonstration the opinion on the home, the school, and the street level, because of all in the same problem


Omissions the mosque part in instructional contribution for publish the consciousness between the parents, and clarification the importance of education for the person and the society. Explain for the parents the necessity of cooperation with the schools and the important pat at what the teacher do, also to continuation the student in his house, because that from the necessary important thing in the teaching and education


Because of smallness information of the education program which presented in the information media, also the educational competition through the television or the news papers. While the neediness for the interesting drama program in the television which attract the student and be useful for him in his study, some of this the dictation field


Reasons belongs to the sign and the announcement, the newspaper and the magazines


B]- First -[/B]

The Availability of the sign and the announcement which writing in provoke way, due to the way of writing non forgiven way which meaning that uneducated person who write it in Arabic language, thereby this destroy what the teacher builds and planted on the student mind

The examples on this as follows:-


7 golden ways for the happiness with your children

Niprass Magazines 2nd issue

Educational magazine issued from Abu Dhabi for instructional


The Street beach


On the basis of directions

The residential project on extension of east of Bany Iass country


In waiting on the cycle

Television program in Abu Dhabi


Emirates Establishment for Communication

Typing on the invoice


Many mistake in the schools books


Discount 25% general reduction


There are many disaster mistakes in some newspaper and magazine that consider to the student documentation reference.

Thereby be to contradiction between what the student present and what he read it from the newspaper and magazine which preformed to bad effect in his collection and progress in all education filed, some of this filed the dictation

-Second –

Limitation the problem (the missing dictation skills)

In order to find solution for this problem, we have first to limit the capacity of it; and find where the missing skills at the student

-Third –

:Suitability solution for treatment the dictation weakness

Dictation line-

Transported Dictation-

Experimental dictation-

Parent watched for the treatment plane in home-

Blackboard summarized in every scholastic material-

Morning and evening Strengthens-

Giving five specific dictations words for the student every Studying day-

Linguistic clinic-


Dictation line

The dictation line is small phrase or one line witch putting according to carefully and wisdom timed plane for treat one skill from the missing dictation skills for the students.

The dictation line have a great important useful unlimited with the weakness student, not only in the dictation weakness filed only, but also in the collection reading weakness, and the psychology sides for this group from the students.

For application the dictation line we have to taking into consideration the followings:


The teacher has to but the line with a very attention in order to be within student ability, so the student understand what he write


Indeed to include the meaning which the student like and accepted, by that attract the student in the teaching and the treatment


To present the dictation line in suitable time, not in dead time for the student when he was very tired, so it will be difficult for him to understand what presented for him like in the morning strengthen when he is full of activity


Commendation the dictation line with some words witch has the dictation skills that treat by the teacher for following first, and to urge them and to encouragement in suitable value without any immoderation or failure


The students have to write the dictation line many times in order to establishment skills and improvement the line and habituation the student to be patient and hard working in studying for great time with cooperation in his home


To carry the dictation line in lovely behaviorism value, student have to charge to write the dictation line in card or tableau on the class with encourage him for this, and asking from time to time to write the dictation line in memorize on special paper and give him the suitable consolidation


The teacher's co-operations of the in application the dictation line in the first and the second lesson only and tie with general plan for all the school class. To treat tow dictation skills only every week we have to present the dictation skills in the one scholastic season, and continue the treatment plan in the second scholastic class in the same way but in different and new words


Specification special notebook of the dictation line with every student, and continuation from the Arabic Language teacher and the school administration with present the thanks and estimation with appreciate for the distinct teacher in application the dictation line with the student and desire at the treatment and continuation


To agree with application the dictation line with the dictation skills in the method witch presented from the ministry of education in the scholastic book in order to make the commendation and the consolidation of information at the student

Example suggested for the dictation line:

For example no limitation, the teacher abler to know the student interest who through this present the dictation line …. For example:


Adnan Altiliany the pearl world in United Arab Emirates, he practice his job in sincerity, he’s believe for the importance of the co-operation with the others, he establish his life at the system and love the people, he study in diligence therefore he realize the wonderful success


The mother sign of love and sympathy, to stay awake at night for rest of here children, the great persons and scientist learn form here, the suckling take warm and the food, the God recommend foe here, to you the mother the appreciate, faithfulness and the truly prayer

...........With this continue the rest of skills


Transported Dictation

Use the way of copy of part from the subject which he learned from the special notebook, after this he correct what he write it by himself after this his friend do the correction another time in seriousness, enthusiasm and competition with this group and the student

The student who copy the dictation paragraph at the tableau in carefully and with clear line and words, the teacher make the limitation the time for copy and the superior students help the teacher in correction, and depend by the teacher

Copy towline that limited by the teacher in a card or at the tableau in clear line and the student do the correction in enthusiasm and diligence

It’s necessary to read the dictation paragraph and understand it through the discussing, after this the student start to write the dictation paragraph which return to him with many useful in dictation and other in education field


Experimental dictation

Giving codified dictation paragraph preparing by the teacher according to timed and scientist plan that be every weak, and give the degree which he get it to realize the enthusiasm and competition. With attention to present the paragraph in the suitable time, and be suitable with weakness student ability to materialize the objective from it, and charging the superior student with suitable works and continuation the two groups with direction and urging all at reaction with hard effort

Prepare special notebook for dictation and divided for copes and experimental dictation. And giving specific words prepared by the teacher according to prepared plan lets be ten words. After this the student commended the lesson with another words in the same mode and give the chance for the little teacher (from the students) to continue correction with his colleague with the teacher reliance

Some of the students do dictation paragraph at his colleague to excite at them enthusiasm, diligence, jealousy and use the positivism position with this group from the student with commendation this position repeatedly with another student. Because this give the missing confidence to some of them for trust dictation ability in order to advance and accept to learning dictation


Parent watching for treatment plane in home

The parent continuations for treatment plan witch prepare and clarify by the teacher and with the suitable method. To limited the requirement exactly and clear with demanding for visit the school every week or call in specific time after coordinate with the teacher and the specialist to delimitation the result of the plan earlier


Blackboard summarized in every scholastic material

Definitely all the teachers should co-operate to execute the treatment plans for treat the weakness dictation for the student. Within the necessary plan witch use the blackboard summarized in each material study and learn it besides this writing the summarized in notebook and the teacher watch this with care, interest and direction the student to the correct dictation in what he write (The Blackboard Summarized), however to content the anther teacher with the capacity of the problem and the necessity for hard work to have a solution. Worth mentioning that importance of the blackboard summarized not standing on the dictation, but also exceed to every scholastic material the student learn it


Morning and evening Strengthens

The morning and evening Strengthens the most importance for the

weakness student, this belongs for several reasons as:


The small numbers of student in the Strengthens group give the chance for good reaction for long time between the student and the teacher


The teacher need long time for treat the weakness and the Strengthens in order to help him for that


Becomes Clearly in Strengthens the student interests to the education, so this optional be through his present or absence which marked more nearer to reliable


In the evening strengthens, the student disengage from all restriction and systems which abstain from his departure according to the environmental adverb which around and according to the model oh his life

What we should take into consideration for strengthens:


The teacher has to prepare a plan on educational and scientific basis moved the student through it after limited the absent weakness skill side


The teacher himself does the weakness treatment in strengthens, because he is the abler person to know the exactly weakness side, due to the fact that another person will start to try discovering weakness side, and maybe success on this or partly success


The teacher must take care with activation of the student in the educational operation with moving all his power and ability in order to reach the highness level from the education degree


The teacher must prepare the lesson which present through the requirements skills to planted it on the student


Giving five specific dictations words for the student every Studying day

To give five dictation word every starting day contribute with positive in treat the weakness dictation, this five words have to prepared carefully with precisely according to educational and scientific plan participate in preparation all the Arabic Language teachers also in application, continuation and dictation

For this five words prepare notebook stay daily with the student, and demanding from the student to copy this words three times in the house and it’s very necessary from the Arabic Language teacher keep watching

We can allotment lifeway dictation lesson in order to utilization from the time in treat the weakness dictation at the student


Linguistic clinic.

The Linguistic clinic very good idea to treat the weakness dictation, this be in special room, witch the Arabic Language teacher alternate with divided the days of week for treat the missing skills in any material like dictation. For example specialize tow days for reading and one general day for the entire material branch

The teacher in this clinic treatment weakness faithfully with guidance the student to the optimal way for treatment the weakness in cadre of cordiality and respect

It's possible through this linguistic clinic to adopt the dangerous case, every teacher adopt just one or tow cases. The teacher will be the responsible and participate with the every this belong to the student

-F I N A L E -

In the end of this treatise I pray humbly to God to forgive us all our mistakes, and to be the person who learn the education and teach.

Be notified my dear the reader that the complete for God only, so please do hard work to addition to prevail the usefulness and to progress day after day dovetail and loving for this great langue, the Holy Coran Langue, langue of the paradise people

I will not forget to thanks every person who adds just one word to this treatise in order to prevail the usefulness for our sons the student - God willing – and I specialized the teacher the guidance for the Arabic Langue for all the great additional witch advantage very much in this treatise.

Finally I ask the God to teach us what is useful and to be usefully with what we learn, and I pray humbly to God to forgive my lapses, and every mistake I fall down on due to my ignorance or forgetting.

Granted from God


Iben Khater

Abou Dhabi

Translated by


The bibliography

)))) The teacher experience in field ))((

(( The education magazine ))

)) (( Teaching the Arabic langue and the religious education )) ((

for (D. Hassan Shihatah) and others

The fourth edition 1985

)) (( The widespread mistakes in dictation )) ((

for D. Hassan Shihatah

master treatise 1978

))(( The basic in learn dictation ))((

D. Hassan Shihatah

the Arabic Gulf printing office – Cairo 1984

)) ((The technical guidance for the Arabic Langue Teachers )) ((

Abdel Aïlim Ibrahim

Education Center

Cairo 1966

)) (( Teaching Arabic Langue for primary )) ((

Mohamed Salah Al-Deen


)) (( Report in treatise on facilitation the dictation grammar )) ((

Abdel Fatah Ismïl Shalaby

Cairo 1960

)) (( Ways of modern education and the importance of Arabic langue )) ((

Mahasen Reda

Cairo 1981




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