Government Hostilities

Feeling the loss of my fellow man,

Death hanging over this generation,

Why can I not breath?

Do I need a gas mask?

Inoculations causing us sterilization,

Unable to harbor kids,

Destroying the future of our kind,

Why can I not see?

Do I need my inner light?

Faith of this war is fleeting,

Unable to control the pawns,

Order must be kept to keep the sheep,

Why can I not feel?

Do I need my sixth sense?

Living in the circle of lies,

Controlled by our system,

Even standing in the light,

Can we not see the conspiracy?

Why can I not move?

Do I need to stop the bleeding?

Young to the slaughter house of foreign lands,

Buisness that is not ours,

Officers of former mistakes,

Why can I not think for myself?

Do I need to be lead on?

Lies, controversy, greed, false hope,

This nation of lies and biggots,

Should we even give a shit?

Why am I dead here?

Should I even be here?

Money controls our actions to this day,

Never stopping to think of our fellow man,

The dead sons' of our nation,

Returning in steel coffins,

Never knowing love,

Never experiencing passion,

Never to live to see the light of day again.

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