Well, I haven't written one of these since like Novemeber...and I'm feeling this odd urge to write about junk. Well this week has been okay I guess. We have a four day weekennd!! :) So, I'm happy about that. This week...had my guitar lesson on Monday(YES, i finally started my lessons a few weeks ago!), had PANDA on Tuesday along with a spaghetti dinner that night which I had to play at for jazz band. I dont think i did anything on wednesday..maybe i did...i forget. Thursday...last day of the week. I recall coming home and relaxing until I feel asleep that night, yesterday(friday the 13th) i had some fun. around four i went to caitlins and shawna randi and tiff were also there. we took mr. hjerpes van(haha, because randi didnt have the rondesvou since she didnt know tiff was going) and we went to the thrift store. which brings me to something that pissed me off yesterday...im enjoying a lovely time at the thrift store when me and tiff and shawna went into the basement and i found this PERFECT small Clinique bag. it looked brand new and everything. i was so excited cause it was fricken awesome. one problem---it was not tagged. so, i thought, 'well maybe they'll price it when i got to pay for it'. so eventuallyi get in line and shawna points out to me a sign that says something like "All untagged items will be retagged the next day". so i was really mad. and i got up in liek and i asked the lady if i wasnt allowed to buy the bag cause of that. she shakes her head and i'm like "GOD THAT SUCKS!" then she gives me an evil look. i was so pissed off...i wanted that stupid bag. well anyways...we had an emergency stop at the burger king in austintown(haha...lets not go there). then we went to panera. we parked next to this white car and tiff opens the door and it hits the car and its alarm starts going off. we were all like 'HOLY SHIT!' ...me randi and tiff run into panera and shawna and caitlin are still in the car cause the automatic door wouldn't shut. The alarm kept getting louder and louder. it was hillarious...tiff was so scared. then we went to target...then the mall...which was gay. we were in american eagle..and i sat at the back of the store on the couch making fun of all the people who shop there and thinks its so cool. we did that in abercrombie just for the hell of it. it was fun. then we went to 2 gas stations...and giant eagle. yep...then we went somewhere else...then randis where we watched lion king 1 1/2. it was a lot of fun. i got home late though and im really tired. today i dont think im doing anything. dad might take mom to the new sams club...and im going to stay home and clean the laundry room. jeff is at a retreat until later tonight! yay. tomorrow is jackie's party...i think im going but i dont know if i can or not. im broke too so that kinda sucks. well i just felt the need to write about stuff.