Memories on Leaving...

I've always had a problem with goodbyes.

Right now I'm fine, no tears yet.

I promise I'll be fine for most of the night,

Until tomorrow when the car is packed,

And Mom and I are on the road again.

It'll be then that the tears will start.

I will look behind me and see Wegman's disapear inton the horizon,

And I'll know it's goodbye.

Goodbye to the Burger King Loop, Sunday long runs, and tempo runs.

To MJ, RJ, and Letchworth,

Goodbye to the IB,Track Parties, and WAC Wine Nights,

To Allegany, Steuben, Monroe, and Suffolk.

Goodbye to the dreaded Frats and those superficial Soriety girls,

To the nightly sunsets seen from my desk, the Geneseo Wind, and two weeks of good weather a year.

Goodbye to my room, 108, and "C + E's Porn House".

To the laughter, songs, and amazing friends,

And goodbye mostly to the memories.

Some of which were good, some of which were bad;

All of which will last a lifetime.

Let's hope I can hold the tears back until tomorrow in the car.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't want to go home.  I will miss Geneseo more than I can explain (and I still have 2 years left here...scary!).  

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