Thoughts abound in numbers; obsessive in quantities immeasurable. Length and breadth termed in properties known. As the pictures continue like scores of notes upon the resulting chords...construed. I endanger such a quality come into existence. I look upon light reflected, terms intended...the product; of my mind's eloquent imagery. Such actions are the means of negotiated ideas, amased by contracts delivered by the aching host opposed. I dictate in negation to conduct such scenarios from standing thought to moving time. Amused...I cause the weilder of all that is possible within this realm. I reach such one enough to acknowledge his agreement. Confused. How are such things possible? Am I the scenario of the historical? Of equal personalities? I have witnessed such qualities. Know such dictionaries; words...I escape in sleep from thinking and travel to the virtual. Experiment plots from breaths to scents...I awake at the moment of intrigue and guess my emotions flaked. I collect and immerse myself like still waters to the conception of oddly set results. My actions forward I deny melancholy to illustrate my wrongned perception. I hold. I stand. I leave alone...the imaginary.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The peice is quite an unusual one.  It may not be clear on what it is about but, hopefully readers will understand.

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