Hear my voice
Breathe my words
The love flies away like birds
I feel the place where it once was
And now it's just an empty hole
Nothing is there
Because I cannot replace you
And the memory of you stretches it out
I feel no closure this time around
Not that the scars ever heal
Every time I ache each one comes back all too real
They all take their blades and open my scabs
Revealing my burdens each a different gash
Your eyes are open to my past
To retrace my mistake and remind me of them
How we will never be friends again
How much of a freak I am
No matter how heavily come my tears
Nothing can replace our seven years
I havn't been happy since you left
So why not leave me completely?
I wish my soul wouldn't long to find yours
And just understand that you have left me
I wish my love for you would get away from me
The last burdens are so heavy
I feel as if i will never let go
But you are dead to me
I will not carry around your dead weight
So take what we had with you and get away from me