Voters Cry


crying happy,

on the brink

of a

  PROVABLE epiphany,


finding our voices,

  all our harmonies.

    Melt the faces


      a melting puddle,

our living-room floors



  build our BONES back,

  give our blind flesh

      new eyes,


leap over the brink,


OUR silent, victorious,

sublime democratic vision.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

On November 4, 2008, the people of the United States elected Senator Obama to the Presidency, and brought change to the nation without even being inagurated.  Congratulations to everyone who voted for the chance to be a better nation, even though we brought it on ourselves.  Today has been a hysteria.  Tomorrow will bring the hard work that each of us must decide, from within, how best to contribute.  Let us not hate, and only remember hate as the hasty thoughtless and compassionless recourse of our ancestors, and forgive them, as well.  Tomorrow, after reading this, go out and walk to another neighborhood, one you never visit, and say hello to a few people, or beautify it in some way, or do something to contribute to it's vitality.  Do this because it is within yourself to think of how the change in the world that Obama began can only come from you.

Love and Flowers...


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