Dark Locks

Dark locks against those vibrant eyes

Eyes that see into my soul

A soul kissed by soft red lips

Lips that whisper her secrets near my ear

Breasts that hold all secrets close

Breasts to protect, to care for

A heart deep within them for me

To look after, to caress, to join

Short dark locks of silken beauty

Soft locks, sented with flowers

Skin so smooth none can compare

For me to watch over

A past

Hers and mine

That cannot be hidden

But she runs to me?

Because of this she runs to me

Because of this she trusts me

She know my fallings and still..

She curls up in my lap and knows she is safe

A siren untamed forever

Bows her head to me

And give me her hand to lead her

What has happened I know not

But my past she knows

Her past I know

Together we will walk

Thro the Shallows of Edulne

Short dark locks have taken my demons

Taken and changed my demons

They still hurt,

But she has shown me my pain can be soothed by her salve

Stunning eyes,

Locks of midnight,

Lips of a siren,

Body of my fantasies

And she needs me

Is safe with me

Desires my touch

Longs for my kiss

She is mine to love

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