Edge of content
intrinsic delight
enchanted gaze
reflecting smoldering mirrors
as almond baked skin crepes around their corners

Cordially inviting
to enter these domes of light
Stark sensuality embracing
images of
telling passions pending

Coupling hands
Breath drawn to
waiting breath
Provocative poise
Guided to a center of a thousand iridescent lights

Parted lips of no return
Savoring this lush exotic fruit
Liquid tendrils of perfumed oils bead upon pouted mouth
Sultry clinging in the midst of strangers

Dare not surrender
Thrust back to ourselves
Satiated in the mirage
Silken whispers of afterglows anticipated
through spoken Moroccan eyes

April 2003

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I like capturing the nuances, or actions of the moment. I want the reader to be transported to that moment. Feel it, see it, taste it, smell it, hear it.

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