They shot her:
She is battling death...
Woe to all the terrorists!
An innocent girl,
Who sought equal rights;
For girls who,
Wanted education,
But who were being deprived;
Of the same,
Through guns and bomb blasts,
By the teeming extremists.
Is a land of peace
But for the likes of such men!
They are not
Muslims in spirit
In fact they are the devil's league.
Wreaking hell,
Violence and mayhem,
And killing peace-loving folks.
Has been their victim
But God Almighty is there!
To save her,
To restore her life,
Flickering like a candle...
While all those
Who are against her
Will be doomed to Hell forever.
This name shall live on,
Proving what true Islam is.
While the land,
To which she belongs,
Will see an era of peace.
Islam is
A religion of peace
As Malala will prove it.
And terrorism
Have no place in Islam.