Clear blue sky
With white whiffs of clouds
But unlike a girl's green and white.

Season's change,
Takes me to the time,
When she and I used to play.

School day joys,
Innocence in air,
Purity has vanished now...

Lust is love
Quite acceptable
Illegitimate ties are "sacred".

No more wife,
It is the girlfriend,
And the boyfriend way of life.

Dating, dance,
Flirting, enjoying,
And relishing carnal joys.

Nude girls pose,
For odious men,
Sex is what matters most.

In this age,
I am called crazy,
For I am not like this at all.

There is one,
Beyond the seas,
Thank God, she agrees with me.

Chaste and sweet,
And "old fashioned",
Yet she is the best I know.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Donna Patricia...a unique woman who is chaste, pure, simple, caring, positive-minded and a lot much more...and a "crazy", incurable romantic... like me.

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