I thought that I had found the key
Which unlocks the door of divine decree
And when I opened it I was dismayed
There was nothing there for 'you' and me.
I had left the tavern and the company
And broken the goblet of the saqi*
As a cleric outside took me with him
Saying:"Repent"... to be truly happy.
Yet it was the season of glorious spring
With maidens and their lovers dancing
I spoke to 'Him' who lives in my heart
To make me repent when it isn't spring.
The preacher approached me once again
Recounting hell and its undying flame
I asked him if he had ever been there
If not, then why this sullen preaching?
I smelt the ground's fragrance and greenery
While responding to the flowers greeting me
And then, inside the garden, I stepped
And got enchanted by many a houri.
Then came 'she' with a jug of wine
Saying: "This is yours just as it's mine"
Modestly she sat and sang a song
Making me lose my sense of time.
So pay no heed to the cleric's stoic advice --
The fat man who talks of sin and vice --
Just walk away and seek the garden
Where your beloved love dwells -- the true Paradise.