Dark night sky,
hides, just like my heart,
behind clouds, more than often.

My wounds bleed,
like my unseen eyes,
weep, in the past midnight hours.

I crave love,
more than promises,
and assurances on the phone.

I need her,
more than any lover,
wants to love her or be loved.

I want Him,
More than Moses did,
My deep longing does not end.

I may die,
in my endless bid,
To be a whole with my goals.

It's no joke,
to keep on loving,
And day-dreaming all the time.

It's like death,
to be stabbed and hurt,
by barbs of love day and night.

Passion's vows,
are so comforting,
Yet this heart needs a heart too.

I am near,
the verge of losing,
everything in my love-quest.

Dawn and eve,
and seperation,
are cannibals, devouring me.

Her pledges,
and His promises,
How long can they sustain me?

An embrace,
And a sublime kiss,
And abundant love are my cure.

I am I,
and only He knows,
The love I need -- to be saved.

Clouded sky,
Like my rented heart,
Hides scars made by lightning's spears.

For how long,
all this will go on,
I wonder as thunder roars.

To be near,
In her loving arms,
is the fire of my desire.

Just with her,
And the truth divine,
But then it's: Where? When and how?

(Written and posted by Muhammad Naveed Ahmed/Emmenay, on the 15th of September, 2011).

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Love is a lonely song...sung by Paul Anka, way back in the 1870s...and my love is a lonelier song...which maybe sung by someone, some day.

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