Battling life is not easy

I am battling to live daily

Battling more for others

Than for myself

My faith is in my Lord God

Who is my Guide and Protector

Best Friend and Helper

Yet there are times

Like tonight

When I need someone to talk to

A loving and caring soul

Like my beloved, rare woman

Or an angel from God's Heaven

I am not always like this

My faith in my God is great

Yet there are nights like this one

When I need a shoulder

On which to lean and cry away

The tortures of the day

And the worries of the future

And the tragedies of the past

My beloved, rare woman is missing

And I am all alone

Even though my faith in God

Is saving me from annihilation

Yet I am also a human

And need my beloved, rare woman

To ward off my loneliness

O that God becomes more merciful

And makes me more courageous

Patient and stronger

So that I can battle this life

Of being all alone

In heart, mind and body

O that my Great God listens

And gives me a solution

That ends this terrible misery

Of missing a loving shoulder

On which I can lean and cry away

All that's bottled up

Deep inside me

O that the Almighty listens!

        (Written and posted by Muhammad Naveed Ahmed/Emmenay on December 26-27, 2010).

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