Winter winds bite

And a howling stillness pervades

All over the city

When I return home from work

In the wee hours of nights.

And the heart and mind ponder

On how difficult everything has become

In my “Land Of The Pure”.

Honest persons cannot survive

And cannot breathe freely

In this throttling and choking atmosphere

That is being ruled by self-righteous feudals

Despots and kleptomaniacs.

I look above as if asking the Almighty

If this was why Pakistan was created

So that the rich robbers keep looting

And their flattering bunch of cronies keep applauding

Their misdeeds --

While fooling the poor masses with false promises

And carefully manipulated propaganda

About all that that is being done

To make this vision of Iqbal a progressive nation

Independent and leading the Ummah

As the bastion of Islam....

My beloved comes with the rising Venus

As if bringing a response from God --

To the worries nagging my anxious self...

And the answer resounds and reverberates

All around my solitary being

Totally veiled in silence from the sleeping ones...

I am told in very precise angelic tones

That God does not change the state of a nation

Until the people change the state of their hearts....

I am perturbed because all that I do

Is for the interests of my homeland....

But then remember

That it takes more than one person

To write a chapter of change and prosperity

For everyone belonging to “The Land Of The Pure.”

         (Written by Muhammad Naveed Ahmed (Emmenay) on December 14, 2010).

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired during a lone-night return to native place journey.

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