It rained heavily today
And with the dark clouds unleashing such downpour
I kept thinking about you
And about us:
How lovely it would have been
If only you and I had been together
At such a wonderful shower time of nature.
I chatted with you as the sun came out
And missed you even more
As I thought of you
And of how grander
All this would have been
If only you and I had been together,
Getting ourselves soaked in the shower
And then drying ourselves up in the sunlight
Anointed with the balm of mutual love.
It looked like you were smiling out at me
And as I gazed at each and every flower
I could feast my eyes upon
At such a time...
---Which I always do...
I pondered and smiled more and more
At your womanly magic and
Your loving ways
That have cast a loving spell
All their own
Yet one more day in my life.
I miss you terribly
O my beloved rare woman!
I want to clasp you to my heart
And become one with you
In a bond of inseparable love, affection and fondness.
So one
So much one
That the thought of us being two
Never becomes even the whisper of a fact
Ever again...
I miss you my darling
And here I am
Crazier than before
Venting out my feelings
To just you
And longing for that special moment to come
When the two of us
Can become one
In body, mind, heart and soul...
One as two halves of a soul
Never to feel as 'two'
Ever again.
Let me thank you
O my beloved rare woman
For the joy you have spread
In my sad life
And also for how
You make me stand up and rise
With each and every word
And more than that
That lovely, lovely grin
Which shows me and lights up for me
The infinite possibility
Of being loved even more
By you
And none but you
In reciprocal fashion
And with that lovely thought
I find a purpose in my living
So thank I you
One more time
Like I shall continue to do so
Ever and ever again.