O, how much hurt I am today!
Amazing it is
How it happened
A complete U-turn
Of behaviour
Hitting me with full force
And cutting me deep
O, it can kill me too
Slowly and painfully...
...Be still O my heart
And let us go
To that secluded place
Where we used to seek safety
Not so long ago.
Love can hurt and kill too
As it has been been proven by
What Othello did to Desdemona
King Lear to Cordelia
And Hamlet to Ophelia.
Being misunderstood and battered
With an onslaught of remarks
Whatever they might be
But if they are not expected
From the one we love most
They only serve to wreck the house
Called the heart
Which they themselves rebuilt completely
With the healing touch of their love.
So be at peace
O Naveed...
...Be at peace
And try to hum a doleful tune
Called "My Buddy"
And quietly dream away in memories
The disdain encountered today...
If you can...