Thunderstorm and chain lightning
Wake me up from my slumber
Under the wide open canopy of God.
The slight drizzle was like an angel's touch
Gentle, tender and soothing
I longed for years to be stirred up from my sleep
In this way -- like a loving and caressing hand...
God fulfils my wishes in the most mysterious of ways
And the more I ponder on His mercy the more do I feel
Like falling head down in the presence of His Countenance
And weeping grateful tears of humility and thanks.
And like the way I was woken up at early dawn today
Similarly. last year, on a rainy night
God sent a truly loving woman into my empty and lonely life
A lady who is as gentle and caring as the drizzle
That rained on my sleeping form soothingly
The drops from above are God's mercy and as the Bard* said:
"It's not strained and droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes..."
No doubt about this as I too found out twice
As love and care were blessed on me in her shape:
My beloved, rare woman...who knows to love without question.
The clouds still hover all over the land where I am
And there are chances that there will be more showers
And also that there will be more of the Almighty's blessings
Raining down on me to fill me with the zest and zeal
To live, love, battle the odds stacked up against me
And enjoy my future with my beloved lady
While thanking my Creator as much as I can...