Ronald Reagan,*
Margaret Thatcher,*
And Gorbachev*
Along with General Ziaul Haq*
Brought mayhem in Afghanistan
Under the pretext of saving those people
From the 'atheist' communism of the Soviets.
They trained even school-going boys of tender age
In the use of sophisticated military weapons
And after devastating the once peaceful land
They told their obedient soldiers to pack and leave
And let "them" carry on the unfinished business
Of destruction in Kabul, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
These U.S. guys and their perverted allies
Have in them the remnants of Chengiz Khan*
And they want to avenge what Hitler to the Jews did give:
Killing, homelessness and annihilation
Because they were the "first chosen ones of God."*
With every young Afghan fighting a war
Programmed in his heart and soul
As a "holy war" against unbelieving Russians,
The Afghan debacle began in the late '80s
By Reagan, Carter, Thatcher and Zia*
To become a "Jihad" as the decades went by
Even though none of these nincompoops know
What the real meaning of "Islamic Jihad" is!
I blame not any Muslim, nor a Jew
Nor do I doubt any good Christian
For what happened on 9/11, 2001.
Why in Christ's sake should I blame the innocent
Men, women and children of the world
Who are all created and loved by the same One God?
I am not a fool though more than often
I do very much look like one...
But even a mirror-reflected fool like me
Shall never blame the innocents
Adhering to any religion
Or belonging to any region,
Caste, tribe or nation.
For, as I said I may look naive and gullible
But am not of Ivan the Terrible.*
I laugh when I think of the real devils
Who use us as their pieces and pawns
In the greedy and lusty game of power
For temporal global rule, glory, and might.
Yet my "Sherlock Holmes" is coming
And knowing every fact of the cases here
He will destroy "Professor Moriarty"*
And his legions of fanaticism
Slowly and surely, one by one,
God willing, in the years to come.
Till then let me take "Goodbye Mr; Chips"*
And start reading it again with the good coffee
And biscuits made by Mrs. Hudson*.
And very soon will Dr.Watson*
Join us too as our companion.
And do all he can as he ever does
Even with his limping leg and fancy vision
In the last tussle with evil Moriarty.
Knowing well that Holmes will win
As God's timely help is with him...
I would rather read about Chippings*
And Katby*
And even watch the classic movie
On the DVD player for yet one more time
Before I doze off in the sofa's arms...
For, I am old and grey and do fall asleep
Just as W.B. Yeats* predicted
In one of his poems on a pilgrim soul.
So please, my dear poet friends,
Especially you O my "Lush Lilly"!
Let me not fight the travails of age
And allow me a peaceful and quiet slumber
To eee how cleverly Holmes does Moriarty beat
Not just in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
But also in the battlefields of razed Lebaonon...
In dreams at least some wars can be won
So let me enjoy my war drums in dreams
And watch dear old Holmes win the 'fun'.