Silent and still is the night,
The Spring breeze gentle,
I am lost in adoration.
No love matters more to me,
Than the love for God,
Who never leaves me alone.
I am Adam's descendant,
Yet my heart is His,
And no darkness creeps in there.
Worldly loves are delusions,
That are now in graves,
But His love is infinite.
Be it the blue smile of dawn,
Or a flower's caress,
Or the beauty of a face.
He is not unseen to me,
For my heart sees Him,
Even if my eyes cannot.
His guidance is radiance,
Which is always there,
This bond of love is so rare.
More than seventy mothers,
Is His love for me,
Is there any greater love?
I was lost in worldly loves,
Till He rescued me,
And shone His light of truth.
What more does my spirit need?
What more should I want?
When I have my beloved God.
His love is encompassing,
The whole universe,
And my heart is His abode.