my shadow

I sit in the dark and see your face.

                                                   You’re there beside me when I need you most.

I close my eyes and feel your arms enclose me.

You are my shadow in the night.

At night when I dream you are always there.

You believe in me when I need you most.

You chase away the night mares.

You keep me close so I never fall.

You are my shadow in the night.

When I awake you are there for a moment.

To say good morning, to keep me close to you.

So strong are the arms that embrace me tight,

But so gentle the way they hold me.

Then you disappear from my side like a shadow in          the morning haze.

When I see you in the day you are the lone wolf.

So strong yet so venerable, so brave yet so scared.

I never want to leave you, never stop holding you.

You are my love, my strength, my joy, my shadow.

I love you now; I’ll love you then till the end of my   life.

I’ll always need you to hold me tight, and never let me fall.

To be in my dreams to wipe away the tears, and bring a smile to my face.

I’ll always need you to be my shadow.

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