They say to stay positive but how can you
Your dealing with so much at a time
Unemployment runs out your part time job cuts hours
Bills start piling up and you feel lost
You apply for jobs and send resumes
You have interviews but they don't give you a start date
Its painful hurtful to feel like this
Rent is almost due and you have no money
You borrow to get by but now its making the debt too high
I feel helpless they say to apply at McDonalds or Burger king
I always here the same thing you over qualified
So you sit in your small apartment and cry
What am I going to do how am I going to get bye
I'm sitting here being depressed alone and upset
the rain is pouring down hard
my life wasn't like this
I use to be happy
I use to have a good job
instead now i'm just a slob
trying struggling to get by
i asked my myself what did i do
to deserve this
I try to be nice
I try to help others
I try to stay positive
but it's my own fault that defeats me
Hurts me mentally
physically and emotionally
I can't afford my rent
I have to sell my stuff
just to get by
so i sit in my apartment crying in tears
why me why did this have to happen to me
I can't sleep and I can't dream
I don't know what else to do
I feel so lost and confused
maybe the world would be better off
if i didn't exsist
no more being a burden
no more me...
goodbye cries