Get Over It (Story of the 21 year old)

i wanted to watch porn but i pulled out the tape relizing i never bought any so i pop the tape in i was like omg BARNEY!!!! AHHHHHHHH and ran and got my blankey and listend to britney spears before i fell down the steps and landed in the toilet screaming PURPLE  I LOVE YOU U LOVE ME

then you pop in some hardcore music and sit there breaking the barney tape and then cruing cuz it was your favorite tape and then you cry in a dark room thats emo

and you hold the blankey as it;s all wet but relized you actually 21 years old up in your bros room drunk and the wetness is you peeing your pants and the barney tape was actually just the tv screen flashing

then you come down stairs and relize your wet and your head aches so you pop in country music and sit talking to people online who keep bragging that they found the key to god and then relize there drunk and god is actually the dog taking a shit on the carpet   GOD=Dog

see so your friend gets up to clean it up and falls over knocking his web cam over and your sitting in the chair convulsing because the lights are flashing rapidly and thinking your friend in trouble you run to his house and find him flat faced on the floor and the flashing is the dog tale wagging cuz he is pissing on your friend

so you call 911 and relize you just called your ex gf and she is still pissy cuz you won;t pay for the child that you didn;t help concieve after you went on maury povich trying to figure out who slept with who but while on the show you relize your still a virgin and your dad was a midget who use to eat fried chicken on the couch sounding like a girl for mens pleasure then thinking back to your teen years when you called this so called girl and start playing sex games and then you come down stairs ask your dad what he was doing and he says oh just work  now your 21 and relize you had phone sex with your dad who sounds like a girl. So you finally come to the conclusion where your really a self centered bastard who has no arms and legs and the only way to actually get fucked is to have this muscle bowned dude throw your ass in the ocean and then relizing you can't swim you drown or do you. you find yourself laying in the sand withthe girl hovered over you and she giving you mouth to mouth feeling the soft lips you don't want to open your eyes but remeber back when you saw sandlot it was a hot girl so you make out with the girl and then relize you just tougued your mom

Life sucks for everything else GET THE FUCK OVER IT

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was seriously very tipsy when i wrote this

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