yo are you sick of the way things are going

it;'s demorce

yo i'm sick of hearing on the news about a man beaten up his wife

i'm sick of hearing about  little kids robin stores with their parents knife

I'm sick of seeing everyone saying blame movies,music and video games

for the reason my son is like this

i'm sick of it  lets change

it doesn;t matter what you say

if you want it done

you have to do it in your own damn way

hell i use to be a little kid until i relized how fucked up is to live

to walk past a person who is homeless

and then they ask you if you can give them some cash

because they fucked up in there past

it;s not my fault you put all you savings on the lottery

haven't you ever heard of the saying  CRY BABY

it doesn;t matter what you say

if you want it done

you have to do it in your own damn way

I'm sick of  kids going to school getting bullied for no damn reason

I'm sick of little Andrew  getting beaten up all fucking season

and then when they try to complain to the teachers

they punched in the face for being a tattle tail

fuck that it's doesn;t matter if there male or female

i"m sick of seeing every kid who parents got a devorce

balimg there kids for there problems

it;s not there fault mom and dad just don't know how to solve them

Forcable by ten times it doesn't matter if you 5-9 it's still the same and we as people should have to suffer from anger and pian

it doesn;t matter what you say

if you want it done

you have to do it in your own damn way

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you want it done do it yourself

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