A Typical Saudi Women


When you want to compliment me you say,

You are atypical of Saudi women!

And when I am not being the person you want me to be,

I become the typical Saudi Woman.

You cannot make up your mind about who I am!

You’re failing to realize that you’re gazing at me through the stereotypes.

When I am not convinced with your way:

I am brain washed.

When I argue with your reasons:

I am defensive.

When I disagree with the bases of your judgments:

I cannot handle criticism.

When I don’t recognize the way you want me to be:

I am oppressed and I don’t realize my Saudi Woman Oppression

When I don’t agree with you completely:

You’re shocked and surprised.

Simply, my friend, "I don’t want to be colonized"

I am a pure Arab Woman and a very typical one.

I make no apologies for being me.

I make no apologies for who I am.

That deep sense of self-identity is my very inner strength,

My resilience that will allow me to walk forward to my future.

That’s me, my friend, no matter what culture I may enter.

So don’t bring me back to Square One.

I don’t need to be a copy of you or anyone.

Don’t fool your self believing this is genuine interest:

Putting me down to ease your insecurities.

Don’t fool your self by claiming this is modernity

When you take away my authority, identity and equality.

Don’t hang me with my mistakes, for I have plenty;

But I have never made myself an adversary of truth -

Rather I have allied myself with the strength of knowledge

As best as I understand.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my American-Arab friend

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