Circular Movements


In the circular movements they travel

They are the present from the past

And they travel to the future to arrive in the past

As she is child, girl and women at once

He is child, boy and man in her glance

They fear and desire each other at the same time

Alternately yearning for love

Then retreating to their safe place

To dwell inside the self in the generous space

Experiencing the painful loss

In their constant motion within

They resign from the habitual stability

Enduring the struggle to regain the innocence of being

To experience the magical of existence

She becomes a cloud raining with feelings

Leaving him as a river outpouring poetry

He becomes a musical tone in her ears

Leading her soul to sing and dance

in harmony on the floor

She is aware and ready to give him up

When they came to experience love

That is too sweet, too deep, too heavenly high to last

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