

Imagine my Son you’re sitting in the most powerful chair

Having all the possible conveniences and luxuries of life

With constant guards securing your place

And still feels troubled in that space

With a head full of heartaches

A heart full with uneasy fear

A life full of worries

From the doubts

of unbelievers

Imagine my Son

You’re to be in a great leadership position

With a massive burden searching for the enlightened action

Think of the quality that marked mankind history

A man of excellent character

Is caring and loving

So intensely brave

Yet he is so gentle and kind

So merciful and humane

Even with his worst enemy

The forgiveness and kindness

Shall ever remain

The trait of the greatest mankind

Imagine my son you’re given so much authority

To spread the light and liberty

To be the Protector of the poor and the Powerless,

Saving this world from any further chaos,

How would you position your self?

Imagine my son you’re given so much authority

To spread peace and democracy

Then think of the Creator

with all his power and the glory of his chair

How he given each one a true meaning of equality

A granted freedom

Free to believe

Free to find that truth

Free to make the choice

Here were his wisdom resides

When he had all the powers

To make all believers in him

He instead gave each that choice

Here lies the real tolerance

For his given democracy

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For My Son Whom asked me for an advice

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